Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Shape and Pattern

 28/10/20 - Week 4

This week, we focused on man made objects, patterned objects and natural objects. I found this piece really quite difficult. I think a lot went wrong in the beginning of this piece with the structure, the arm of the mirror on the left side is off and I should have positioned the piece better on the page. I think in the next piece I need to be way more careful in the beginning. As for composition, I think this piece is successful and I like how the mirror stands as a centre piece.

As I got further into the piece I did manage to correct some of the structural mistakes but I found some more issues started to arise, I wasn't quite able to get the texture for the oranges right and the patterned object, the candle wasn't really taking shape as I wanted it to. It was a white pattern on a white candle, and with the type of shadow that fell on it it made the pattern dark, so I think it doesn't read too well. I started to struggle with the mirror at this point as I think the lighting made it contrast too much and was hard to get the mirror effect I wanted.

By the end of this piece, I sort of managed to sort out the mirror and make it tidier and look a little more like a mirror by using my eraser. The oranges are still an issue I feel as I couldn't get the textural effect I wanted, the putty rubber was too soft.
 I think overall there is some effective parts of this piece, like the bananas and some parts of the mirror, but there is major issues. This includes the overall tonal range and the textural inaccuracies mentioned and finally the fact the shadow falls off of the page. I think in the next drawing I will try to plan my work with more accuracy and thought.

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