Thursday, 19 November 2020

Landscape and Citycscape

 17/11/20 - Week 7

Drawing landscapes is probably my weakest skill. I struggle with drawing buildings too, but not as much, I wanted to try to draw a landscape but I decided to pick a place that had some sort of building there to try to compensate for this. I still really struggled with this piece and I am not very happy with it. 

Compositionally, there is definitely some evident issues, the fields are too empty as the snow completely covers them, so I could have helped this by choosing a composition that had a bit more to it. The sky didn't really have any cloud shapes though I might end up adding some to the sky to make that part of the scene look a bit fuller and perhaps add some more contrast. 
Unfortunately I forgot to photograph the development of this piece, but it was mainly a use of resolving different contrast and darkening specific places that I felt needed it. It was also quite a slow process due to the detail of the bricks and the ruin in general. I felt including the detail was important as at the time I did acknowledge the bare nature of the fields, but didn't really realise the extent of it, and felt that the ruin should have quite a lot of detail to make up for this.
Throughout the development of the ruin I used lack of bricks to imply the darkness of the shadow which I really like the look of and I would like to use this in future sketches of buildings.
Something I found challenging throughout this piece was how intricate some of the details in the background were. I think a lot of my marks could have been much more precise and clean cut and this would have complimented the cold and untouched feeling of the original image.

Overall, this was definitely challenging though I am quite happy with the outcome as I do really struggle with landscapes and this is probably my best landscape I have ever been able to produce traditionally. Obviously, I know I need a lot of work still!

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