28/03/21 - Week 25
This week, we had a tour of the Hull Streetlife Museum of Transport. I found this tour rather interesting and created 4 preparatory sketches of some of the vehicles, I think some of these ended up being more sucessful than the final piece but I am not too sure as to why. My favourite is the 1st or 3rd one as I feel like the shading, although rough, is accurate. The perspectie in some places is still off on these though I feel as though the sketchy aspect of them makes that ignorable.
I chose this vehicle as my final piece as at the time I liked that sketch the most though I most likely would have chosen a different one if I had to do this task again. I tried quite hard to get the perspective somewhat correct but I recognised I liked the sketchy style I was creating on the sketches and I wanted to still try to replicate that in the final piece. This was definitely a mistake as there is not a lot of perspective issues in my final piece which don't look as charming - most of the issues here like in the wheels and the interior of the vehicle. I dont think there is anything glaringly wrong with the perspective here, only small things, but I think I think that as I am not used to drawing vehicles and cannot really recognise these things as easily.
As I got into the shading of this piece I did start to encounter more issues, I was really struggling with the perspective and also was debating adding the text on. I ended up doing so but I think that in the end this makes the piece look really childish as I am not one who has a hand for caligraphy and that really shows. I also struggled with the contrast of the piece too and felt that I wasn't really getting it. The reflections on the glass did not help this as this really confused me with the contrast in these areas and i think it has resulted in the windows looking very strange. The lighting on this vehicle I thought was good, but I think it needed more contrast in general to be able to get more detail in the light and in the end would have produced a more detailed piece.
Something else I was struggling with was the curvature of the tour camera, I am not sure if this vehicle had a slight curve to it or it was actually the camera, but I included this anyway, though again, I don't think this was the right decision.
To really try to improve on the contrast of this vehicle, I decided to bring in some charcoal. This definitely helped to make this piece look a lot better in terms of contrast and I managed to get more of the effect I wanted for the tires and the shadows to blend together to replicate the same darkness of the image. I didn't manage to completely pull this off but the charcoal did help me here.
In the end though, I don't think this piece was very successful at all. One of the only parts I really like is the bumper on the wheel as I feel the shading here looks good, other than that, the multiple perspective and un-straight lines in this piece really ruins it and it really does look a little childish. I play this down to my inexperience in drawing vehicles though some of the mistakes on this piece are quite rookie and if I had the time I would probably redo the whole thing and perhaps choose a different vehicle from the tour.
Overall, this piece was very challenging though it will help me lots with the next piece as I now know what not and what to do to create a more successful outcome.