Saturday, 16 January 2021


 16/01/21 - Week 15

This week I mainly wanted to focus on gathering some references for the start of this project. I had to think quite a bit about the sort of boss/level I wanted but I ended up being quite set on some sort of large angel. I am still undecided on the level itself but I want either a heaven-like arena or a cathedral, basically something that is common imagery from Christianity.

A lot of my references came from dark souls as the games have a lot of this type of imagery and uses gothic architecture which is very common in cathedrals. It also has several types of angels which are rather interesting and was good inspiration.
Thinking more about the boss itself, I was also thinking that the angel could be a bible accurate one, which are mainly made up of shapes or are actually much more frightening than a classic looking angel. This would be something super interesting to look into but is perhaps harder to place in a boss level.

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