Sunday, 25 April 2021

National Museum of the USAF

 25/04/21 - Week 29

This week, we had a virtual tour of the National Museum of the USAF. This was a rather interesting tour and I surprised with how interesting I found some of the planes. I started off by creating 4 different sketches. I think these turned out very sketchy and I didn't try too hard with these because I wanted to focus my efforts onto the final piece more. I was originally going to do a different plane for the final piece but I liked the results of one of the sketches more.

I wanted to make sure the sketch was a bit more prepared than the last vehicle sketch and I think I succeed a bit more in this sense since the plane looks more proportionally correct and follows the correct perspective. I also tried to make the lines a lot straighter and more true to angle so I didn't have to fix this later.

As I started to add some shading into this piece, it was looking a lot better than the vehicle piece already. I think some of this is down to the already interesting lighting which had a lot of contrast and really helped to add clear defined features to the piece, I was also a lot slower with the application of shading and adding detail because I wanted things to look less thrown together and this definitely showed.

I also went in a bit earlier with the charcoal as I thought this added much needed contrast to the vehicle piece, it again worked well here and it did add much needed darker value to the piece. There is still a lot to improve here and I think using even more time to get my lines straighter and more well defined would have helped boost this piece up to the next level. 
I also do notice some perspective and shape issues mainly on the rounded pieces, I found them quite difficult to get the right shading in general here and I think this was because I didn't notice issues in the piece from the start.

Overall, I think this piece has turned out much better than the previous vehicle piece as the shading is much more realistic. The combination of the smaller details and the good level of contrast helped this piece a lot too but the aforementioned issues don't allow this piece to come together in my opinion.

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