30/04/21 - Week 30
I have now finished my boss monster alongside my arena. I finished this piece off by adding some blood dripping from the dress and wings to help with the boss feeling and also a call out of the face as well as a scale factor for more context. I ended up deciding that I didn't want to add anything more as thinking about the subject of my boss, the fact that it is a fallen angel/Satan like depiction can easily play into a more normal angelic figure as lots of pre-existing depictions of those two beings are angelic in nature.
I think there are a lot of similarities in the process that went wrong between the boss arena and the boss itself. The main one is definitely not sticking to my original idea and eventually coming up with something different where the idea is not as strong but still produces a mediocre result. However, I am not sure if perhaps this was needed since the level itself was not what I thought so having the angel as a bone or organic structure would not necessarily make sense with the context of this in the cathedral not being apparent. Instead, I have come up with something that is not particularly unique but with the arena in mind I think it works to some extent.
I did try to give this piece nice rendering and have the level of detail that I wanted and I do think that this has worked but in terms of detail, the final design has really let this down, I feel like there are some large areas where work needs doing such as the wings, sword and dress as there isn't enough ornate detailing. This is definitely a design process issue, I am not very well adjusted to adding detail at the final stage and this piece definitely shows that as it needs that extra level of tertiary detail to really make it anything special.
As for the positives of this piece, as mentioned, I do like the overall render of the piece and I think for my own skills this piece lives up to them. I am especially proud of the rendering on the sword as I am not used to this kind of material and I think the rendering looks alright, though obviously can always be improved. The finished design though is very mediocre to me and I am not a fan of that, but these are my design limits I feel as sometimes I do lack the creativity to get to a high level of design, so overall I am somewhat happy with my final creation.
Overall, I am definitely happier with the arena rather than the boss itself as I can see lots of room for improvement and looking back, a lot of time where I could have improved it and tried to push myself a little more.
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