Thursday, 6 May 2021

Texturing, Decals & Finalising Lighting

 06/05/21 - Week 31

Obviously, I have gotten an extension, unfortunately I haven't been able to sort out finishing my textures over the past couple weeks and therefore wasn't able to move on with the project and finish it. The texturing process has been slow and this was mainly down to my computer not being able to handle painter a lot of the time and so trying to view the textures on my screen with the edits I had just made could sometimes be very tricky and time consuming.
The texturing process wasn't too hard overall though, it was mainly me using my already existing knowledge of painter but slightly adjusting it to try to stylise it and not add so much detail - much like the designer process. I also found some tutorials on stylised textures and took the knowledge from here, which mainly used mask editors to create worn down, highlighted edges, which is a major part of the style I wanted to go for. This is mainly apparent on the wood and metal fixtures as I felt that these would suffer the most damage. I also used these tutorials to find out how to create some colour variation using the generator "light" which was very useful and created just a little bit more nuance.
Here are what all of the finished textures look like in engine currently:

I have also edited the lighting to be much more what I wanted, I used some more tutorials to improve my knowledge of how to light interiors, a lot of which was messing with settings such as bounced light and light scattering. I then created the large beam of light from the window using exponential height fog and some adjustments to the directional light in my scene to create a beam effect without obscuring the scene too much from the fog. I feel as though this is going to really look nice with my particle effects that I have planned, this is definitely going to be some dust and some wind in the foliage.
On top of this, I have also created my decals which weren't too difficult to do in the end as initially I was worried that I wouldn't be able to figure them out. They are pretty much just a stamp on the wall. I created these in designer with my previously made textures for the stone ones and I quickly made a crack shape for the wall where the tree is coming through then utilised transparency to finish them off.

Overall, I do not have too much to finish now, but the extension has really helped me to put polish on this project that I would have not been able to without it - without it I don't think I even would have had time to finish the texturing! I am very happy with how this project is looking, though some of the textures are a bit rough in places or not exactly up to scratch to the point where I feel they are perfect and I think that speaks for a lot of the project right now.

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